How to share enum between C++ and Java ;)
Note! This is not actual suggestion for proceeding like this during development ;) It’s one of this “fake it till you make it” solutions. So, please, don’t try it at home! ;)
There was this question at Stack Overflow. How to share enums. And you want to share them between C++ and Java. Well, there is one issue here. You can’t base on comments (to trick compiler) as Java and C++ have the same comment schema. How to use comments to make cross language coding? Take a look here.
You can use a nasty hack with “disabling” public keyword in C++ using macro.
#include <stdio.h> #define public #include "" ; #undef public int main() { A val = a; if(val == a) { printf("OK\n"); } else { printf("Not OK\n"); } }
Then, inside Java class you can define enum
public enum A { a, b }
And you can use it in Java later on. As you can see above, it is used in C++ as well.
public class B { public static void main(String [] arg) { A val = A.a; if(val == A.a) { System.out.println("OK"); } else { System.out.println("Not OK"); } } }
Seems to work fine :)
> javac *.java > java B OK > g++ -o main ./ > ./main OK