Design Patterns – Objective-C – Singleton

After moving from Java into Objective-C world you will notice that some things are not that straight as you could expect. One of these is a implementation of Singleton pattern. In Java and C++ you can easily restrict object creation via private constructor. In Objective-C, you have to deal with it slightly different.

// Singleton declaration - Singleton.h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface Singleton : NSObject { 
  // we don't need instance variables

// we have to overwrite alloc
+ (id) alloc; 

// and new - these are responsible for 
// object creation
+ (id) new;  

+ (Singleton*) getInstance;

// getMessage method is the only instance method. 
// This is what Singleton does
- (NSString*) getMessage;


// Singleton definition - Singleton.m

#import "Singleton.h"

@implementation Singleton

// we need static variable for keeping the track 
// of Singleton instance. We want to keep it 
// "secret", that's why we have to put into 
// implementation file
static Singleton *instance = nil; 

// the only way of bringing Singleton to live
+(Singleton*) getInstance {
  if(instance == nil) {
    instance = [[super alloc] init];
  return instance;

// you can't call alloc method directly
+(id) alloc {
  NSLog(@"alloc is not possible");
  @throw ([NSException 
    exceptionWithName: @"alloc is not possible " 
    reason: @"Singleton class doesn't "
                    "provide explicite allocation"
    userInfo: nil ]);

// you can't call new method directly
+(id) new {
  NSLog(@"new is not possible");
  @throw ([NSException 
    exceptionWithName: @"new is not possible " 
    reason: @"Singleton class doesn't provide" 
                    "explicite allocation" 
    userInfo: nil ]);

// this is Singleton's API
-(NSString*) getMessage {
  return @"Hello from Singleton";
