Fluent Conference 2013: JavaScript & Beyond Complete Video Compilation


Summary:Expensive, but still worth considering

Whenever Fluent Conference takes place I try to follow it at some point through the video materials. There is no chance for me to attend the conference, but I try at least, to see what is hot each and every year.

There is one point here. I have to confess that I am neither JavaScript developer nor HTML5 designer. What I simply do is keeping up to most recent trends and ideas in the mobile/browser world.

This is second time I am write about Fluent and I have to state it once again. The quality is great. Of course you may experience some issues with audio from time to time, you may complain that slides in the video material were shown for too short but still that’s really good stuff.

Personally, I’d like to point to two talks that seems to be completely unrelated to the topic of the conference at first place, but are definitely worth watching. First one is – A “Thank You” Can Change Your Life by Nicholas Zakas and second one is “Hey Kid! Don’t Copy That Floppy!” by Aaron Kalin. Both have catchy titles but the content itself is also worth watching.

I don’t believe that anybody will watch the whole material through and out but probably, everybody in JavaScript/HTML5 world will find some topics that may be interesting. For me, these were: Advanced jQuery Techniques by Elijah Manor and “this” in JavaScript : How It Really Works by Martha Girdler.

The issue with the material is that it is really expensive. In fact, you may well consider subscribing to Safari Books Online instead of buying this particular video. That’s a simple calculation 384 for Safari (per year) and 399 for a single video material. Well, the choice is yours.

O’Reilly (e-book): http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920030843.do
Safari Books Online: http://my.safaribooksonline.com/9781449371579?portal=oreilly&cid=orm-cat-readnow-9781449371579